The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)

The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), known for its cutting edge R&D knowledge base, was established as an autonomous body in September 1942, to address the needs of industrial research in the country. Further, evolving the scope and range of activities in several domains, CSIR is today known for its excellence in R&D and S&T innovations.

CSIR has Pan India presence through its network of 37 National Laboratories which undertake focused basic and applied research in diverse fields of S&T that includes: oceanography, earth sciences, geophysics, chemicals, drugs, genomics, biotechnology and nanotechnology to mining, aeronautics, instrumentation, environmental engineering and information technology. It provides significant technological intervention in many areas with regard to societal efforts which include environment, health, drinking water, food, housing, energy, leather, farm and non-farm sectors. CSIR has also established 39 outreach centres, one innovation complex and three units with a pan-India presence.

Pioneer of India’s intellectual property movement, CSIR today is strengthening its patent portfolio to carve out global niches for the country in select technology domains. CSIR has pursued cutting edge science and advanced knowledge frontiers. CSIR is the Nation’s custodian for Measurement Standards of Mass, Distance, Time, Temperature, Current etc. CSIR has created and is the custodian of Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) which is a tool to address unethical commercial exploitation of Indian Traditional Knowledge. CSIR also maintains Microbial Type Culture Collection (MTCC) and Gene Bank.

CSIR through its various constituent laboratories is also placing major focus upon creating incubation facilities for spin offs and start-ups. CSIR hand-holds these companies so as to create a new segment of knowledge enterprises.


The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), known for its cutting edge R&D knowledge base in diverse S&T areas, is a contemporary R&D organization. CSIR has a dynamic network of 37 national laboratories, 39 outreach centers, 1 Innovation Complexes, and three units with a pan-India presence.

CSIR Alumni Network

Since Inception, CSIR’s significant contribution to India’s socio-economic development through S&T, and its pioneering role in capacity building are well known. The S&T human resource development at CSIR has been through the training being provided by its laboratories to its Phd./ Masters/ Bachelor/ Diploma courses etc. Over the years, many of them who have studied at CSIR may have longing towards CSIR reminiscent of their studentship days.

CSIR alumni have a global footprint that needs to be harnessed to enable networking and provide long-term value to the research ecosystem. The CSIR student alumni may be eager to contribute/ reconnect with CSIR as well as their contemporaries. It is time for CSIR to leverage its legacy of promoting studentship through its laboratories, with the development of the “CSIR Alumni Portal''. The engagements shall be aimed at supporting deep rooted relationships enabling a strong alignment and connection between Alumni and CSIR.

The CSIR Alumni portal will act as a pan-CSIR laboratory alumni engagement platform collating data from individual laboratories and shall also serve as a centralized system to receive updates on the events and networking opportunities for the alumni. However, individual laboratory alumni portals shall continue to function seamlessly.

Global Presence


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Alumni Highlights

CSIR Notable Alumni

Lab-wise Alumni Network

The links to the individual portals of CSIR labs are given as follows:

CSIR-Lab Name CSIR-Lab Name

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